દેશમાં કેટલી સેક્સ વર્કર છે? 2014માં દેશના બંને મંત્રાલયો વચ્ચે સેક્સ વર્કર્સના ડેટામાં લગભગ 4 ગણો તફાવત
ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો
How many sex workers are there in the country? UN Woman Confused About Her Rights!
Sex Workers Data: According to NACO (National AIDS Control Organization), the number of sex workers in the country is 868,000 by the year 2021, according to the Department of Health, which was created to prevent the spread of AIDS in the country.
Sex Workers Data: There is a lot of inconvenience in talking about sex in this country. The word sex worker gets worse. That's why it's so uncomfortable to talk about it. That is why it took 5 years for the Supreme Court to form a panel and write some recommendations. Even then, if the law is not passed, it will take another 5 years to implement the court's recommendations. The disturbing situation is that in the year 2014, there is almost 4 times difference in the data of sex workers between the two ministries of the country.
How many sex workers are there in the country?
The number of sex workers in the country by the year 2021 is 868,000, according to NACO (National AIDS Control Organization), a department of the Ministry of Health designed to curb the spread of AIDS in the country. Going a little further, a press release issued by PIB in 2014 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development states that 10 years ago, in 2004, according to a study by an NGO, there were 2.8 million sex workers in 2.8 million countries.
Which state has the highest number of sex workers?
According to NACO, by the year 2021, 45% of the country's 86,800,0 sex workers will be working in 4 states of South India. Out of which more than one lakh women are engaged in prostitution in Andhra Pradesh (1,17,584), Karnataka (1,05,310) and Telangana (1,01,696).
Only 5,225 women were rescued in three years
According to NCRB data, between 2017-19, there were 5,225 such cases in the country in which women were protected from prostitution. 40% of the country's defenses were from Maharashtra. Telangana (898) and Andhra Pradesh (684) have reported cases of protection against prostitution.
11 year case in the Supreme Court
Buddhadeva Karmaskar Vs. On July 19, 2011, the Supreme Court of the State of Bengal constituted a panel for sex workers. The panel was to submit its recommendations to the Supreme Court broadly on three issues - to stop human trafficking; Second - rehabilitation of sex workers who want to quit the sex trade; Third - Conditions conducive to a dignified life of persistent sex workers.
In 2016, when the matter was listed, the central government informed the court that the recommendations made by the panel were co-opted. The case was a judge and a draft law containing it was published. Five years later, on 14 September 2016, the final report with the recommendations of the committee was submitted to the court. The government then told the apex court that a draft law had been drafted keeping in view the issues raised by the panel.
Subsequently, on May 25, 2022, the Supreme Court issued guidelines using its powers, using Section 142, as in the case of the Rajasthan Government against Vishakha. This guideline will continue until the law is enacted.
UN Women also confused
The state of confusion exists not only in the country but also at the UN level. On 25 October 2019, UN Women Director Mlambo Nguka said, "We are aware of the differing views and concerns on the issue of prostitution / sex work and are aware of the views of all concerned. For this reason, UN Women has taken a neutral stance on this issue. Therefore, UN Women does not take a stand for or against the criminalization / legalization of prostitution / sex work.
Author : Gujaratenews