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Benefits of eating eggs: How many eggs a day will not increase cholesterol? Know what the truth is
Eggs and Cholesterol: What does egg have to do with cholesterol? Does eating more eggs in a day increase bad cholesterol? We are going to answer some such questions.
Eggs are a healthy food, which is why it is often said that 'eat eggs every day on Sunday or Monday', although many believe that eating too many eggs can increase cholesterol in the veins. The amount increases, so they seem to stay away from eating this superfood. Let us know how many eggs should be eaten in a day, which will not harm the health.
Eggs have good cholesterol
Good cholesterol is considered good for body function which is found in good amount in eggs. But on the other hand bad cholesterol i.e. excessive intake of LDL causes fat to accumulate in the blood vessels, which increases the risk of high BP, diabetes and heart attack.
Eggs are good for health
According to health experts, one whole egg contains as many nutrients as chicken. It contains good cholesterol which helps in the production of essential hormones like cell membrane, estrogen, cortisol and testosterone. The liver, which is present in the body, naturally produces cholesterol, but when we eat foods with high cholesterol, it slows down or lowers the amount of cholesterol in the body.
Egg and cholesterol relationship
The yolk of an egg, called a yolk, contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is a little over 60 percent of the daily intake, while egg whites are high in protein.
How many eggs should be eaten in a day?
According to health experts, eating one egg a day is enough, if you eat a large amount of eggs regularly, it can affect everyone differently. Although the effects of eating eggs are not exacerbated by bad cholesterol, overeating is not appropriate. Eating more eggs can cause other problems as the taste of eggs is hot.
These people can eat more eggs
People who do more physical activity can eat 2 to 3 eggs a day. There is no evidence that overeating causes heart disease. If patients with type 2 diabetes eat an average of one egg per day, their blood sugar level will not be affected.
(Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, be sure to seek medical advice. G News does not confirm this.)
Author : Gujaratenews