વીજળી બિલ મોંઘુ થશે/ પેટ્રોલ, ગેસ, દૂધ અને હવે વિજળીનો તોતિંગ ભાવવધારો આવી રહ્યો છે, જાણો કેટલો વધારો આવી શકે
ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો
The price of electricity is going up sharply, find out how much it can go up.
Power companies are likely to impose a huge dam of Rs 50 to Rs 1 per unit on the people. Petrol, oil, milk prices have been found to be rising one more time each. As there is a deep gap between demand and supply, Union Energy Minister R.K. Singh has hinted; Power companies have claimed that raising prices is inevitable to offset huge losses.
Author : Gujaratenews